Sunday, December 17, 2023
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Father Emilianos Demosthenus (1932-2016)
Father Emilianos Demosthenus (1932-2016)
"The Elder with Love, Patience and advanced Discernment"
(Characterization by a Psychiatrist, his spiritual child).
"Humble, Immovable, Tireless with a special Love for Children"
(Characterization by a Pediatrician, his spiritual child).
"Eis Mnemosynon Aeonion ἔstay Dikaios"
The Prophet David says: "People will always remember the Just man and his Teachings".
Psalm 111: "BLESSED is the man who fears the Lord, in his commandments he will vehemently. May his seed be strong in the earth, a generation of the righteous shall be blessed. Glory and riches in his house, and his righteousness endures forever and ever... for forever it will not be shaken, in eternal remembrance be righteous".
"Happy will be he who has in his heart respect for God and follows His commandments. His seed will be strong on earth, and his spiritual descendants, who will follow the path of righteousness that he marked out, will be blessed. His house will never go bankrupt. Time will not cloud his teaching. People will always remember the Righteous Man and what he taught them."
The Treasurer Emilianos Demosthenus ordained a Deacon on the feast day of Saint Eleftherios (December 15) and often begged him to free him from everything earthly that bound him. He wrote on his tomb, which he prepared several years before he fell asleep: "If you die before you die, you will not die when you die." That is if man manages to kill his passions and his evil desires with the help of the Mysteries of our Church before he dies, then only when he sleeps, he will not die, he will be resurrected near God, otherwise, he will go with the "dead ", where there is eternal sorrow and no prospect of divine presence, according to the New Testament: "He that believeth in me, though he dies, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die" (Gospel of John 11:26). "But Jesus said to him: follow me, and leave the dead and bury your own dead" (Mat. 8: 22).
He became a Spiritualist on the feast of the Holy Spirit and always begged the Holy Spirit to enlighten us. He typically said: "Without the Holy Spirit, we do nothing"! And when we asked him whether we have the Holy Spirit with us, he said anthropomorphically: "The Holy Spirit is like a little bird that fears sin. As soon as we sin, it goes away from us. Let's bring it back again. As long as we sin, we need twice as long afterward to get rid of temptation and bad habit."
As a Man, he was simple and humble. When educated people visited him, he would say to them: "Have you come to me the uneducated?" I only finished Primary School". "We owe each other nothing but love," he emphasized. "You owe nothing if you do not love one another" (Rom. 13:8).
As a believer, he was a model of trust in God. He used to tell us before we do something: "Let's pray and wait for God to show us His will." Also: "Before you do anything, my child, ask yourself: If God were here would you do what you want to do?" He emphasized that we don't need to be tempted by sadness. God will certainly not abandon us.
As a Spiritualist he sat all day until late at night and comforted the people who came to the Church of Agios Georgios in Kellaki to consult him. He was tireless. He used to say: "Better tired than rusty!" He often emphasized to us: "When someone is distressed, we don't need to add to their distress with our own bad criticism."
Be careful not to injure others but not to injure yourself either.
About the Family, he said: "Whoever has many children and lives according to God's will is like having, not a simple house, but an entire apartment building to clean and take care of. But we are not alone in the struggle. God help."
"Youth needs a pole, like a tree. And rest assured that it will be helped."
"Women, if you come to Church in indecent clothing or in red, you do not receive a blessing. Our Lady was modest."
As a married priest, he honored his wife and called her "administration". He helped her with the housework and she cleaned the Church, made bread, and helped him to order the confessions. They prayed together, even for ten minutes (morning and evening), even though they had many jobs. He typically said: "If I don't find time to pray with the elder, how will God find time to take pity on us?"
If we have a function as a profession, for example, if we are priests, teachers, doctors, parents, etc., let us be careful not to project ourselves. To teach the will of God. "Let us revolve around Jesus Christ, not around ourselves," he exhorted us.
Those who knew him can confirm that the late Father Emilianos never said: "I tell you to do this or that", but always began his conversation with the words: "Our late Director of the Priestly School, Father Konstantinos Lefkosiatis, our he said to clean our soul like our house". That is, he was so humble that he referred to others, he did not claim something as his own.
He emphasized that he is necessary for the congregation. "How will we be liked in Heaven if we are not liked in the Temple?" he was asking. In the Divine Liturgy and in the Mysteries of our Church, we receive God's protection. "There is no protection without a congregation."
For tribulations, he told us to ask for God's help and He will certainly listen to us: "To the Lord in my distress, I cried, and hear me" (Psalm 119: 1). He often emphasized to us that without tribulations we will not deserve Paradise. "The family is a home Church", he typically said. "What is inside the Church? The crucified Christ. In married life, we cross our selfishness and our passions."
He lived very frugally. "What we spend today, we will not have when we need it," he said. He prayed that God would enlighten those who can financially support those who are in a difficult financial situation. He reminded us that "God will not let the merciful man suffer." He often visited prisoners, comforted them, and spoke to them about God.
He was even experienced in matters of longevity. Visiting the elderly, he humorously remarked: "I'm getting old!" referring to the verse of the Old Testament: "The days of our years in these seventy years; but if you are in a dynasty, eighty years, and most of them toil and pain" (Psalm 89: 10). And he explained: "We will live up to 70 to 80 years. The most are labor and pain. We must prepare for our heavenly journey with forgiveness, confession, humility, and Eucharist." He got sick at exactly 80 years old!
Let us fast and not be angry, he urged us. He himself did not eat meat so as not to get angry. "To be strict with ourselves and lenient with others", he typically said. A few days before he went to sleep, he pointed to cooked meat and dairy products that we had on the table and said, "The day will come when people will not eat from them."
He always celebrated Holy Patience, the mother of Constantine Palaiologos, to give us patience. With patience, we will progress both in the spiritual and in the daily struggle.
In the YouTube entry
Honorary Event for the 50-year Offering of father Emilianos, there is the honor event by the Church and Community of Kellaki, in 2012, to which he addressed a greeting.
Exodius Procession of Elder Emiliano Demosthenes Kellaki, his funeral, and moments from his life are found.
Father Emilianou's Group of Spiritual Children.
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
βουδιστής ή Χριστός
βουδιστής ή Χριστός θα επιλέξετε Ένας βουδιστής μοναχός είχε ακούσει τις φήμες που κυκλοφορούσαν για το γέροντα Παΐσιο και αποφάσισε να τον επισκεφτεί. Όταν τον βρήκε στην καλύβα του, του είπε πως με τη βοήθεια του διαλογισμού ήταν ικανός να αιωρείται στον αέρα. Ο γέροντας δεν τον πίστεψε και απάντησε: “Ο άνθρωπος είναι φτιαγμένος για να πατάει στο χώμα”. Ο βουδιστής τότε έκατσε και διαλογίστηκε και μετά από λίγα λεπτά αιωρήθηκε, δύο μέτρα πάνω από το έδαφος. Ο Παΐσιος μόλις το είδε αυτό κίνησε το χέρι του προς αυτόν, λέγοντας: “Ε, τώρα κάτσε εκεί”! Ο βουδιστής μοναχός έντρομος ανακάλυψε πως δεν μπορούσε να κινηθεί ούτε προς τα πάνω ούτε προς τα κάτω. Ο γέροντας Παΐσιος του εξήγησε πως οι δυνάμεις που του επέτρεπαν να το κάνει αυτό ήταν δαιμονικές και αυτός με τη βοήθεια του Θεού τις εξουδετέρωσε. Buddhist or Christ will you choose A Buddhist monk had heard the rumors about the old man Paisios and decided to visit him. When he found him in his hut, he told him that with the help of meditation he was able to float in the air. The old man did not believe him and replied. The Buddhist then sat down and meditated and after a few minutes he floated, two meters above the ground. On seeing this, Paisios moved his hand towards him, saying: "Hey, now sit there!" The Buddhist monk was horrified to discover that he could not move up or down. The elder Paisios explained to him that the powers that allowed him to do this were demonic, and he, with God's help, neutralizing them.
Monday, November 1, 2021
Are there any Thanks outside the Orthodox Church? Where are the limits of the Church? Are contemporary Protestantism and Roman Catholicism heretic in the same sense that the great heresies of the first millennium were heretic? Do they have all the simple followers of these heterodox religious groups of heretics - or maybe even idolaters? Is baptism within non-Orthodox ecclesiastical bodies valid? Do they have the same spiritual power and bear the same spiritual blessings as Orthodox Baptism? What has brought mankind - and indeed "Christianity" - into this desperate state? It is certainly not overt worship of the devil, which is always limited to a few people; it is probably something much thinner, and something awesome and an Orthodox Christian thinks: is the loss of the grace of God, following the loss of the essence of Christianity. In the West, it is certain that the grace of God has been lost for many centuries. The Roman Catholics and the Protestants have not fully eaten the grace of God, so it is not surprising that they can not discern its demonic imitation. But alter! The success of subtle spirituality even among Orthodox Christians today reveals how much they have also lost the essence of Christianity, so they can no longer distinguish between true Christianity and pseudo-Christianity. Orthodox Christians have long considered for granted the precious treasure of their faith, and have neglected to use the pure gold of their teachings. How many Orthodox Christians even know the existence of the basic texts of the Orthodox spiritual life that teach precisely how to distinguish between genuine and false spirituality,
According to written sources, on Holy Saturday that year, a group of Turkish soldiers, after mediation Armenians, prohibited the transit of the Orthodox Church of the Resurrection. The crowd of the faithful remained in the courtyard of the church throughout the day, but even after sundown. Patriarch Sophronius D, which was divine the first year of his tenure, took over for the first time to carry out the most important ceremony of the year, however, the Turks denied him the legal right. The patriarch stood praying in the left part of the gate of the temple, near a column. And suddenly, having already fallen the night, the column ruptured and Holy Fire sprang from the inside. The patriarch immediately lit the candle and conveyed the Holy Fire to the believers. Within minutes, the sacred flame spread to all attendees, and the churchyard was illuminated. The astonished Turkish guards then opened the gates of the church and the patriarch, with the number of Orthodox, went solemnly to the Holy Sepulchre. Christ is Orthodox Christ came to earth to "build" a church. And the orthodox church began. The Orthodox is the answer to all religions. Stop looking for false gods and try orthodoxy. As we can see this from the holy light, which is provided=only to the orthodox. Jesus Christ is OrthodoxEach year in Jerusalem, in the tomb of Jesus Christ comes the holy light (in the Orthodox Easter) and only the Orthodox Patriarch can take it. If you only look for this and why Catholics can not get it either Protestant or... The Holy Fire (Greek, agios phos, literally “Holy Light”) is a miracle that occurs every year at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on Holy Saturday, the day preceding Pascha. It is considered by many to be the longest-attested annual miracle in the Christian world, though the event has only been documented consecutively since 1106
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Father Emilianos Demosthenus (1932-2016) "The Elder with Love, Patience and advanced Discernment" (Characterization by a Psychia...
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